Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Low Sec Forgetten? I think not!!!

Welcome to the twenty-first installment of the EVE Blog Banter, the monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by CrazyKinux. The EVE Blog Banter involves an enthusiastic group of gaming bloggers, a common topic within the realm of EVE Online, and a week to post articles pertaining to the said topic. The resulting articles can either be short or quite extensive, either funny or dead serious, but are always a great fun to read! Any questions about the EVE Blog Banter should be directed to Check for other EVE Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!

This month topic comes to us from @ZoneGhost who a few month ago asked "Is Low Sec the forgotten part of EVE Online?" Is it? I'd like us to explore this even further. Is Low Sec being treated differently by CCP Games than Null Sec (Zero-Zero) or Empire space is? Can one successfully make a living in these unsecured systems where neither Alliance nor Concord roam to enforce their laws? What's needed? Or is everything fine as it is?

Lowsec is forgetten? Certainly not, it's just a place that everyone avoids. Too bad really, because lowsec is a really interesting place. Where else can you say you are truly living by your own wit? In High Sec, you have concord to help keep you safe. Sure you can still get killed, but concord makes killing you less desireable. Null sec is the very same situation, the only difference being CONCORD is a player entity with your corp's or alliance's name attached instead.

Want to learn how to be productive in low sec? I mean really productive, not just burning through case with a pirate, and making money with an alt to support your pirate habit. I mean do you want to learn to be productive and safe in the face of danger? Then run over to, where the United Trade Syndicate (the low sec industrial and trade alliance), is publishing the information YOU need to operate safely and productively in Low Sec.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Fitting for Low Sec is Fitting for High Sec

As many High Sec residents are learning, High Sec by no means is an indication of safety. Sure High Sec is safer, because there is a less pronounced and less spontaneous PvP activity in high sec, but it is not safe. Nearly every high sec PvP victim is a result of fitting with the false expectation of safety.
So what does this mean for the everyday eve pilot? It means that no matter what you are doing, what task you are performing, or what ship you are flying that you fit and prepare for PvP. PvP does not necessarily mean fitting for in your face battle. It means fitting your ship so you can respond appropriately when under threat. In some cases this means fitting your ships for in your face pew pew, but it can also mean fitting your ship for evasion and being able to get out of dodge before it’s too late to get out.
I fit all my industrial type ships (Industrials, Exhumers, Orca) to be able to evade threats. My ships are fitted so that when flown properly, I can bust through gate camps without a scratch. My hulks are fitting to get to warp under 4 second. I also fit most of my ships with ECM or EW modules and a flight of ECM drones that will help me to escape in the unlikely event I do get snagged in a trap. No they don’t guarantee I will get away, but they grant me a dice roll 2nd and 3rd chance to get away.
My mission running and ratting ships are fitted pure ‘poke you in the eye’ PvP. They are not the most efficient for PvE, but when I get snagged, I am not sitting in a PvE ship, I am sitting in a PvP ship. This is something many aggressing PvPers are not counting on. They are counting on you to be fit like rib racks with those little chef hats on each tip, in other words, to die under their fire. However, you can turn the tables on them simply by being ready.
Another long term affect this would have, is if all pilots fit for PvP of one sort or the other (evasion or poke you in the eye), then aggressing PvPers at large will all think twice about your ship being simply a tasty morsel on the buffet table. Beyond your individual survivability, Eve as a whole will change for both the PvP and non-PvP playstyles. There will no longer be the jaded division between pirate and carebear, but the division will more equivocal. Yes it means PvPers will bring larger teams and fly solo less often, but that is good for you, because it means the roams will likely be more condensed, less profitable for the pirates, and therefore a less frequent encounter. Of course that only will happen with a paradigm shift of basic fitting styles at large. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My bitch about a bullet point linux advocacy article

Please read the original article first, what I have written below is a respone to this linux advocacy article.

Ok, please forgive ment because this is going to be a critical comment. I would like to point out first that I am a total linux adherent, advocate and geek, and I ALSO agree that linux is better than windows products for most applications. I take exception to this list however. One of my pet peeves of advocacy of any sort is to ensure that if you are listing reasons or advantages that those items be pretty darn accurate. I am also a beekeeper, and I often hear that natural honey is so much better for you than HFCS, because HFCS produces traces of HMF (a toxic substance) when heated. Well that's true that honey is better for you than HFCS, however honey ALSO produces HMF when it's heated, so that _reason_ is false and only hurts the credibility of honey and honey advocates. It is the same story here with this list.

1. Stability, yes linux is much more execution stable (doesn't crash) that windows when all things are equal. It will even continue to run after a hard-drive crash so long as no data calls or writes need to be written to the damaged media. HOWEVER, the statement that linux doesn't need to be rebooted after updates is mostly false. Both Windows and Linux do not to be restarted when minor updates are applied, but when kernel space updates and other core systems are updated, both systems need to be restarted. Yes the linux system _can_ run without a restart, but it is _not recommended_. Windows can also continue to run without a restart after core updates, but it is also _not recommended_. System admins should have a regularly scheduled backup and restart program in place to help identify problems that escape notice on systems that are never bounced. It can happen that a system running for years is suddenly unable to restart because of problems that have stacked over the years but have gone undetected. If the admins had a regularly scheduled down-time, they could have identified each problem and dealt with it ina timely manner rather than be forced to reimage the whole system because the stack of undetected problems is too insurmountable and unresolvable within a decent time frame.

2. Security, honestly this is highly arguable. When everything is all patched up both systems are equally secure. What makes one more or less _inherently_ secure than the other is between the time when a new vulnerability is discovered and by the time the proper patch is applied. All other security and vulerability related issues are almost strictly the responsibility of the architects and administrators. Sure Windows XP might be less secure than linux 2.6, but's also outdated. Windows XP is also more secure than linux 2.0 too. Vista is more secure than Windows XP, not because it's inherently free of vulnerabilities, but because it plug the holes of well known and nothing we can do about it vulnerabilities of Windows XP. WIndows 7 is also grandly more secure than the earlier iterations of Windows. Again it's all down to the space between vulnerability discover and patch deployment and administrative practices.

3. Hardware, new polished versions of Linux stand zero chance of running on the same hardware that windows cannot run on either. You can choose a distro wrapped around an older kernel like 2.0 or 2.2 or sometimes 2.4 on the not too damned old stuff, but you can do the same thing with Windows. Try installing ubuntu 10.04 on your Pentium Classic 300 laptop. Sure you can install redhat 6.3 on it if you like, but you can also install and run Windows XP on it too.

4. TCO, This is arguable, but not necessarily right or wrong. It depends on your point of view, but mostly is just changes where you put you money rather than eliminating spending.

5. Freedom You are mostly right, but only to a limited degree, and completely wrong about vendor locking and such. You can just as easily get stuck using a piece of open source software, unable to update if the project was abandoned or otherwise stangant, nor change to another alternative if the data format isn't exactly the same or they don't have conversion tools already in place. No you don't have to purchase a new software license package true true, but you have to spend the time and money either to do in-house development of the old project or spend the money converting all your data into something freindly to the new system you wish use. In the end, it is _always_ recommended that you research your exit costs, no matter whether running open source or proprietary systems and software.

I wish to reiterate I am a vocal champion of GNU and Linux and free software all around, but I also like to ensure we are giving true, accurate and compelling reasons in our advocacy. I cannot agree with this article for the same reasons I will not say that honey is better for you because HFCS has HMF.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Seriously? Seriously?

So I get a lot of crap flying my Orca through low sec. I mean, you know I pretty much have just converted the crap into tears which I collect just like any good pirate would if the circumstances were reversed, but seriously...

If I hadn't figured out how to fly industrial type ships out in low sec, then you Mr. Baddy Bad Pirate wouldn't have any targets except the occasional clueless newb and other pirates. Is that really what you want? Seriously?

Wouldn't you rather have some big juicy targets that are harder to catch, but a whole lot more valuable and a whole lot more frequent? I mean really, low sec is low sec, of course and that means we have to defend ourselves out there, not CONCORD to help us out in a bind or take retribution. I get that, but you seriously would rather I wasn't flying my Orca full of goodies around low sec, and you seriously don't want me to spread the word how? Seriously?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

death race 2010

ya so I entered. I know what strategy I am going to use, but not which ship. swift, fast and evasive is my trade mark, but I don't want to get caught in a ship with a paper bag for armor. hmmm, what to do?

yes this is meant to confuse you, I can properly fly, fit and pilot almost ever ship battleship class and down, just not sure which way to go.

EDIT: I mean I can pilot all my race's ships. But I can also fly T2 minmatar frigates.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blog Banter

I also am electing not to participate in the CCP vs. CSM blog banter. I don't find this discussion interesting in exactly the same way I don't find Windows vs. Linux discussions interesting. The discussions are usually full of bias and prejudice and often have little bearing in facts.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Low Sec Hulk

Yes that's right. After much thought and deliberation as well giving up time after time, I finally have come up with a low sec hardened Hulk setup. In fact I have two sets of fittings for different circumstances.

Due to the safer nature of the Orca setup, I  recommend moving hulks into, out of, and around low sec in the Orca's Ship Maintenance Hanger with the Hulk agility maxed. (2x T2 Istabs and 2x T2 Low Friction Nozzles). The agility fittings provide a 4 second align to warp which if you are on your toes is most likely safe and suitable for safe mining so long as you follow proper safe low sec mining protocols (bookmarks, distance from belts, etc). Not everyone can do this though, and so here I have two setups, the one briefly described above, and the one that follows.

The following setup is safe for busting through gate camps as all my low sec hauler setups are, but they have an additional training componenet to make the setup work; Thermodynamics. Overheating your Y-S8 Hydrocarbon After Burner gives you just enough boost to push you past the minimum 75% warp speed needed to go to warp as you decloak. It's tricky getting the fittings on, and it requires fill Engineering Skills training to make it possible.

Highs:  1x Improved Cloak II
Mid: 1x Y-S8 Hydrocarbon Afterburners
Lows: 2x Micro Auxiliary Power Core I
Rigs: 1x Low Friction Nozzle Joints II, 1x Ancillary Current Router II

How you chose to fit your other slots is up to you, maybe if you sprung a few more ISK for Micro 'Vigor' I Core Augmentation variation of the power core, you could give yourself even more power grid and fit some extra shields, ECM Bursts or whatever. I choose to fit for max evasion so anything that gives me an extra slice of time to get away, I fit it. That's shield extenders, ECM Burst, ECM Drones.

Now, the procedure. Although it's nearly identical to the Occator and Orca and just as those two ships have slightly different operating procedures, so does the Low Sec Hulk.
1. Align to warpout.
2. Overheat Mid Rack
3. Start Afterburner
4. Initiate Cloak
5. Turn of Afterburner
6. When AB is EXACTLY 75% complete, turn off cloak (this gives a half second of extra AB boost while decloaking before actual warpout occurs.
7.Immediately hit Warp.

This procedure is exact. It must be followed precisely to maintain invulnerabilty between decloaking and warping out. You will gain a few percent of AB boost between decloaking and when your AB cycles down, and that pushes just past the minimum warp velocity. Any deviation from 75% increases the amount of time while decloaked, and leaves you vulnerable.

I am very happy to present these Low Sec Hulk Fittings, and I hope you find them to be of good use.

Yours Truly,

EDIT: For those of you who haven't thought about this yet, you can carry a third strip miner in your cargo hold, get to where you want to mine, dock up, refit stripper and Istabs. When done, redock refit Cloak and Power Cores and AB to move to next system. You are using bookmarks to undock right?

Monday, June 28, 2010

Fail Dec

So my corp, and thus my alliance was wardecced yesterday by an 11 member highsec wardec Corp called Deaths Right Hand and run by a fellow named BravoFoxtrot and has perhaps 3 truly active war fighters.

Guy, do your homework. We live in lowsec. 1) chances of ever running into one of us again is rather slim 2) we live where everyone and their whole families are trying to blow us up every chance they get.

Do you really think we care about you?

With utter disregard,
United Trade Syndicate

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I Am Escoce

Welcome to the eighteenth installment of the EVE Blog Banter, the
monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by none other than
me, CrazyKinux. The EVE Blog Banter involves an enthusiastic group of
gaming bloggers, a common topic within the realm of EVE Online, and a
week to post articles pertaining to the said topic. The resulting
articles can either be short or quite extensive, either funny or dead
serious, but are always a great fun to read! Any questions about the
EVE Blog Banter should be directed to Check out
other EVE Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!

On May 6th 2010, EVE Online celebrated its 7th Anniversary. Quite a
milestone in MMO history, especially considering that it is one of the
few virtual worlds out there to see its population continually grow
year after year. For some of you who've been here since the very
beginning, EVE has evolved quite a lot since its creation. With the
expansion rolling out roughly twice a year, New Eden gets renewed and
improved regularly. But, how about you the player? How has you gaming
style evolved through the years or months since you've started
playing? Have you always been a carebear, or roleplayer? Have you only
focused on PvP or have you given other aspects of the game a chance -
say manufacturing. Let's hear your story!

I am Escoce. I have always been Escoce. I do not have alternate identies and Escoce grows and deals with the consequences of all my actions, whether that is doing well on the markets, mining asteroids, busting gate camps with more vocal bravado than normally recommended or not. That is who I am and who I will always be within New Eden.

If one wishes to read all the details of my history they can start at te beginning of this blog with post #1, because I have kept a loosely organized journal of my goings on. However, I'll try to sum it up briefly with what I think the greatest changes are that I have made.

I started out very timid, mining asteroids in the cistuvaert system. I was afraid of getting lost and didn't even jump out of the system for at least several days. I had no idea how detached one really is from their home system. I think I made my first excursion out of Cistuvaert when there was no asteroids left to mine. I had no choice but try another system. I found one next door called Aidert. I minted for a bit there, and learned about NPC pirates and I got my little frigate blowed up if I recall and I became scared of 0.6 security systems. I tried to stay in cistuvaert as much as possible since I didn't know of any other 1.0 systems near by (remember I was a newb who had no idea how small geographically or astrometrically the game actually is to a more experienced player). I ran into my first player pirate can flipper from Whiskey Pete's Dry Cleaning, and got my butt handed to me. Later when I could fly a vexor, which I used for mining I also started carrying flights of drones and I ventured out into aidert once again and let the drone take care of the rats while I ignored them.

The same can flipper showed up, flipped my can. And I went ahead and sicked my drones on him. I actually almost had him, he was deep into hull before I went pop. Ah well I felt pretty good for the try, but I was still mostly broke as new miners typically are. So I started again with the frigates. I graduated to industrial ships and when I didn't have time to mine with 1 minute cycles into cans, inwiuld park my uterine of various grades over time next to the asteroids and jus let the laser fill the cargo bay before thenroids went pop. It was still really slow progress. I could barely afford new skills let alone ships.

Anyway I kept in mining until I could fly and mastered mining with the hulk. I went into debt to get the hulk sooner, but had to work hard to pay it off. All that work soured me to mining. I was so sick of mining.

I figured i could still deal with minerals since I know what they are worth and I sold my hulk and used the capital to start buying minerals in Arnon and its neigbors and selling them in Oursulaert and Jita if the price warrented the longer trip. As I could afford rigs, I fitted them (this was when they were still one size and ultra expensive). My Iteron V was gradually become more costly than an obelisk, but it was a little at a time. After about six weeks of all night back and forth, I was about halfway togetting a freighter.

I ended up borrowing a billion isk from a total stranger (believe it or not), and I bought my freighter, realizing after the fact that I still had 4 days to go to complete Spaceship Command that I needed to train Advanced Spaceship Command so I could fly the darned thing. So anyway started hauling with the freighter and the ISK started to flow. Over a period of a few weeks, I started carrying mining equipment to Arnon to sell as a loss leader to get the miners working in Arnon and neighbors to stay put and mine more rocks for me. It worked. I started pulling 3-5 freighter loads of tritanium out of that constellation every single day since people don’t like hauling Trit. It takes more time to haul the Trit to Oursulaert than it does to mine an equivalent amount of ore for the other minerals.. After some time it dawned on me that the names of the people dumping minerals on my buy orders were rather random looking and I realized I was buying Macrod minerals. I filed a petition saying that look, I wasn’t doing anything wrong, but I think I am buying illegal minerals in a legitimate manner. The GM told me so long as I procured them in good faith at a fair price and I wasn’t buying them for something like 0.01 ISK, that I was safe and thanks for the notice. Well that combined with my internet connection going out for 10 days or so, the whole market collapsed. I tried to restore the mineral market, but my steam was gone, and it was no fun and a constant trade war with the other people who moved in while I was gone. So I changed everything and became a low sec trader.

I had trained for bigger and better ships, and I started flying occators through low sec to pickup minerals I bought with region wide orders than I could get cheaper than staying in high sec. I hauled those minerals for cheap out of low sec (for a fair price, just a better price for me). I did just fine with that and the extra margin made up for the loss of volume. I stopped trading tritanium because now it wasn’t worth it for me to haul it anymore since I couldn’t use my freighter to pick up minerals in low sec, and I started hauling the higher valued minerals (Pyrite was never good for trade for me). With the fit I had with the Occator, I was pretty much invincible with the shield extended up the wazoo and I carried WCS in my cargo hold in case I found a heavy gate camp to bust. I did just fine with ammo bouncing off of my shields until I went to warp until I ran into my first Heavy Interdictor in low sec. I didn’t know they could use their Warp Distruptors in low sec with a special script, but I learned it that day. All low sec operations halted while I figured out how to make this work again. I finally developed the Invulnerable MWD/Cloak/Warp for the Deep Space Transports. I haven’t lost another Occator since.

Every since then, I have been figuring out how I can draw more people out to low sec to reap the benefits of low sec, and increasing available space for all pilots by spreading out a little and all the other benefits that go with that…more targets for pirates, better targets that are harder to catch and so more fun to hunt, safer grounds for the industrialists that aren’t too carebear-ish for low sec. I began developing “safest” fits for industrial ships like mining frigates, mining barges and exhumers. I started an alliance meant to foster this education and use of low sec (which is still very much in development due to lots of spring time outdoors AFK from many alliance members, but mostly me).

Finally, the piece de resistance, the low sec Orca fit I recently developed and wrote about. I have been using it to bust camps with great confidence and non-chalance since, moving tons more stuff through low sec than ever before possible without a jump frieighter (requires alts or cyno team mate and 5 billion isk for just the ship). It can be flown solo, and carries roughly half the stuff the jump freighters can carry. Good shit!!! My mission is to continue to help develop low sec, write an article for E-ON magazine describing how to fit, fly and behave as an industrial based character in low sec in order to survive and thrive. I will continue to be very vocal about the benefits of being in low sec and how one can fly there safely if one follows the basic rules of low sec piloting. One might even be safer in low sec than in high sec if one considers that they let their guard down in high sec. I honestly can say that since I have lived in low sec that I have lost more ships in high sec than I have in low sec…all because I drop my guard.

That’s who was a timid miner afraid of leaving his home system to become, low sec trader, low sec developer, low sec industrial educator and crazy ass pilot finding ways to make the big ships safe to bust camps.

I am … Escoce

CrazyKinux's Musing: The Heroes with a Thousand Faces
StarFleet Comms: Life. Evolved.
A Carebear's Journeu: This Carebear Thinks He Is Developing Teeth
The Elitist: Our ventures in EVE
A Mule in EVE: From a guppy predator
Travels of the Ronin: Evolution and Adaptation
The Ralpha Dogs: The Past Through Tomorrow
Where the frack is my ship: A journey, not a destination
I am Keith Neilson: 7 Year Itch?
Inner Sanctum of the Ninveah: Evolution Me
EVE Opportunist: A long history of a short time
Roc's Ramblings: Things Change
Guns Ablaze: Onwards and Upwards
EVE On Real Life: Haven't you grown up yet?
More as they get published...

[Delicious Tag: eveblogbanter18]

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Reverse petitions and hulkageddon

I know CCP has ways of detecting macro-mining pattern in the logs if they are made aware by a player that points out the potential offender in a petition.

Well I have a good though unlikely to be implemented way to wreak worse havoc on macros.

The reverse petition in conjunction with hulkageddon. A police force of volunteers who roam the belts in search of baddie-bad micro miners. When a potential macro is found, a special type of petition is filed, which grants immediate immunity for what would ordinarily involve CONCORD intervention. The macro hunter would reap the rewards of the drop, and gain a sec-status boost just like they were ratting. Now of course mistakes will happen, and there is a way to deal with that too.

The reverse petition filed will flag the pilot with something like a convo request popup, but clearly a warning of impending doom with a countdown. If they do not acknowledge the accusation within say 15 minutes, the accused is criminally flagged with a standard counter and anyone may freely dispatch their ship (but not pod). Alternatively, the accused could be flagged only to the petitioner.

The method to avoid abuse (macro spamming), would be to limit the number of petitions each pilot may send between down times, as well as limit the number of petitions a pilot may receive. If either number is exceeded, then the petition fails and the miner is safe from both explosion and safe from macro spam.

Also, the same pilot cannot petition the same accused more that once per down time regardless of how many petitions either has left.

So this still opens doors to problems of abuse. There are ingame ways to prevent this. Firstly, a faction should be setup, one lime CONCORD but specifically for combating macro miners. Individuals or corporations would have to join this faction in a similar way to the militia for faction warfare. Trial accounts would be ineligeble, and there should be a security standing minimum requirement.

If the pilot makes a mistake and the accused was not using macros which a review of the pilot logs will reveal, and the pilot just had to go afk for some legitimate reason ( which he doesn't have to validate, he wasn't macroing after all), and files a petition, the the macro hunter would be forced to pay the replacement cost of the ship and all it's mods and cargo contents (crystals for instance). As well the macro hunter would suffer a security status just as if he killed a pilot under ordinary circumstances. If the security status falls steeply enough due to repeat mistakes, the pilot is unable to file the macro hunter petition until sec status is returned to acceptible levels or enough decay time occurs to nomalize the sec status they have now, say measured in days or weeks. If sec status falls below minimum entry requirements, the member (or Corp if it's a Corp membership) gets booted from the faction. So corps would be very careful to monitor their members or risk Corp expulsion.

This system would help improve the proposed goal, by ensuring only legitimate macro hunters would be interested and that they would be careful of who they mark as macros.

I know there are still holes, but in general what do you think?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Low Sec Orca Fitting

UPDATE: In the fittings, I changed T2 Covert Ops Cloak to T2 Improved Cloak. My mistake.

Ok I have been researching fits for the Orca, and I have dramatically improved flying safely in an Orca for Low sec. I feel as comfortable flying my Orca through low sec as I am now with my Occator. You too can fly an Orca safely through low sec. That is if you have a few billion ISK to spend.

Implants in your head: Full Set of 6 Nomad implants, Alpha through Omega

Faction implants have secondary effects in addition to the attribute boosting effects most people are accustomed to. The Nomad faction implants give you +2 to each attribute, but in addition to that primary effect, they also grant a boost to your agility. With a full set of 5 implants, you get a raw 15% agility bonus, plus 10% bonus for the set of 5 implants granting a total of 16.5% agility boost. If you have the sixth Omega implant, you get a further 25% boost to the bonus giving up to a little more than a 20% bonus to agility. Better agility lets your ships turn and accelerate faster. These cost approx 2 billion isk at time of writing, though haggling can get them for less though. I got mine for 1.5 billion ISK by haggling with people who had contracts up for 2.1 billion ISK. That’s a 600 million ISK savings. Of course if you have 400,000 loyalty points or so with the right corporations, you can buy them from the NPC corporations that sell them. Phoetec Pharm makes them; I don’t know who else sells them for loyalty points.

Ok so you are asking, “Why would you spend 1.5 to 2.1 billion ISK for 20% boost to agility? You can get that with a T2 I-Stab”. Well mate, yes you are right, but consider this. My low slots are ALREADY filled with T2 I-Stabs and I still need the extra agility. “So why don’t you just use Low Friction Nozzle Rigs?”. Answer, I did that, but it still wasn’t quite enough. Plus I _discovered_ Engine Thermal Shielding, which boosts my MWD duration by 20%. Two of those and my MWD cycle is 14.4 seconds rather than 10 seconds. That’s 144% duration to my MWD cycle, the length of the MWD cycle means I have more time to align to warp WHILE CLOAKED. Which means I stand a MUCH better chance of being in warp before my cloak has dropped. So…..implants, these give me that extra sliver of agility that guarantees that I am in warp before my cloak drops instead of _almost_ in warp. Being _almost_ in warp, means you are going to eventually be _not almost, but actually and really_ dead.

That 1.5 billion ISK has let me fly my Orca in low sec with exactly the same confidence I have flying my Occator through low sec. What does that mean? That means, with my skills, I am able to fly a transport style ship through low sec that can carry 34,500m3 in the main cargo hold, 40,000m3 in the Corp Hanger, 50,000m3 in the Ore Cargo Bay (if I carry ore, which makes sense to carry some ore instead of minerals for this purpose). Plus several assembled (depending on size) ships in the Maintenance Hangar. My Occator could carry a little more than 38,000m3 which is pretty big, but this is MUCH bigger. No it’s not a freighter, and it’s a bit smaller than a jump freighter too, but I don’t need a Cyno team member, nor an alt…e-gad…and I fly normally carrying a lot more than the largest regular industrial ships you see flying around.

What are the drawback? The cost obviously…I have a lot of ISK in my head right now, so that really means I have to stop auto piloting around…even in high sec…unless I am flying a ship that can take a beating while waiting for CONCORD to come and clear the area for me. Last night, on my way to picking up the implants, my Helios was destroyed and I was sitting in Jita in my POD. On the way back I Auto piloted again (dumb mistake), and when I got back, my ship’s armor was gone and half the hull was gone, but my shield had fully recharged. CONCORD successfully intervened just moments before my ship was destroyed. I shouldn’t have been auto piloting a little light ship like that anyway, but it was REALLY stupid of me to do it with so much ISK on the line now. Never again. If you are going to autopilot through hisec, make sure you are flying a ship with enough raw hit points and resistances to take a good beating until CONCORD shows up.

Ok so the fitting:


Nomad, full set of 6


2x Engine Thermal Shielding, for a 44% increase of MWD cycle time.

1x Ancillary Circuit Router (gives extra Grid so you can fit an MWD)

High Slots:

1x T2 Improved Cloak

2x of whatever else you want(I fit tractor beam and salvager)

Medium Slots:

1x Meta 4 MWD (You can’t fit a T2)

1x T2 ECM Burst, so you get another roll of the dice to get away if you do get caught.

1x Large Regolith Shield Extender for extra hit points to your shield so you last longer while trying to break target locks with WCM Burst and ECM Drones. Invulnerability Shield Hardener for Resistance Boosting (Giving you even more effective hit point on the shield)

Low Slots:

2x T2 I-Stabs, for more agility…i.e. faster align and acceleration times

Drone Bay: 5x Medium ECM Vespas (to gain more dice rolls to let you escape if you get caught…If you are doing mining support in low sec, launch these drone ahead of time so they automatically lock an aggressor, also keep your distance from the belt and stay cloaked until you need to tractor a can in, your tractor beam can pull from MUCH farther away with ship role bonuses.)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Orca 1 : Pirates 0

So I have been busy and mostly away from both Eve and therefore by extension haven’t had anything really to write about. In March, I spent a week in the desert speaking at the 3rd annual organic beekeeping conference. Being out in nature and away from all thing internet for a week really changed my perspective a bit, plus spring has arrived and all the outdoor work that is involved in that, including beekeeping stuff, like building beehives and managing the colonies that survived winter, etc. Anyway, so much in Eve for me hasn’t happened except to log on to manage my skill queue and ensure I am still training something useful.

Well I have been spending some time in low sec as you all know, and in fact I hadn’t been back in high sec in several months, except for a few weeks ago I did take a few loads of minerals purchased in lowsec over those months to sell in high sec for some quick cash.

Last week however I decided to bring my industrial gear deeper into lowsec where I planned to operate most of my industry related stuff, so I did a brief scouting of the route in my Helios checking for local activity along the route (not just kills). I returned and hopped in my Orca full of working ships, and headed out along the way. Immediately someone popped into local, and we apparently arrived together at the same gate along my path, and of course my heart skipped a beat before I realized it was a Bestower. Ok no big deal, so we went along on our business following mostly the same path, and nothing else exciting happened.

I hadn’t flown the orca through low sec in a while, so I was being as careful as I could be to hone my gate camp busting skills at each gate even though I didn’t need to use them. It’s a good idea really to do it in low sec anyway. You have no idea how quickly you can get targeted and HIC scrambled compared with how long it takes to align an uncloaked Orca. As I approach the last gate to my final destination, I discovered the blood rush pounding in my ears could get louder than it ever had before, or rather at least as loud and hard as the last time it happened. I flew right into a big cloud of pirates.

For the sake of disclosure, I cannot purely say I have never lost an Orca in low sec, but at least I can say I haven’t lost one due to a lack of skill or negligence or poor piloting. I lost one many months ago when I first skilled up and learned how to fit and make safe an Orca for low sec use. I can legitimately say I lost my ship due to my client locking up. You see I run LINUX on my computer which then in turn requires I use WINE to run windows applications on my LINUX system. This ordinarily works perfectly, however the release of WINE during that encounter had a known bug (which I didn’t know about), that caused a Fatal Exception Error to occur during certain types of graphics glitches (such as shading and texturing of models) which are common but barely noticeable for Eve-on-WINE users. Anyway, as soon as I got shot, the graphic representation of the Orca has or had one of those glitchy graphics and being hit caused my client to crash. I had to work fast to kill all the EVE and WINE related processes running and stuck, so I could restart Eve to hopefully find I had warped to a logoff safe spot. Well, when I finally logged back in, I found myself in my backup clone with about 3.5 billion to spend to replace what I had lost. That was the first time the blood rushing in my ears pounded this loudly. But look, I am not a carebear. It hurt, and it wasn’t my fault and not fair, but it was part of my choice to live life this way and the only thing to do is file a petition, and hope and just move on forward. I don’t recall getting even a response for the petition…I don’t even remember if I filed one…ah well besides the point.

So here I am in space, in an Orca, just flown into a gate camp, and they were 5 or 6 sensor boosted HICs waiting at the gate for my arrival. This isn’t the time to think about what to do, either your training takes over and you just do what you are supposed to, or you die. I am glad I spent months training all my navigation skills to max out my agility and align times and fit all the modules and rigs to bring my ship to bear quickly on my warp out point. I spent weeks perfecting the timing involved, because the operation is slightly different than the Occator which I am as comfortable in as my own skin, but that slight difference in operation is the difference between life and death here and now.

I jump through the gate. There is one pirate on the other side scouting that side of the gate. Again, there is no time to let them to regroup and get ready, I must act instantly. Within the bat or two of an eye, I align to station, hit my MWD and cloak. Pirate ships are jumping in all around. Boy the ship sure does turn quickly when she’s at stop, agility boosted, and with the MWD going, and the cloak running. Yes the cloak helps your turning speed by slowing down forward acceleration. This helps the ship turn faster since a moving ship turns much slower a ship that is stopped. I turn off the MWD and wait for the cycle to reach that critical moment to shut off the cloak and hit warp. More ships jumping into local, four, five then six of them all trying to find me. There, I do it, and I am sitting there waiting for the Orca to lurch forward. It sure seems like I am visible and vulnerable for a long time. Then finally she accelerates to warp speed.

To sum up what followed:

The very next thing I see in local from some girl toon is:

 /me jaw drops to the floor
Next thing I see from someone else is:

 ^#%^W cheater

The girl said something like, “Hey, you’re the guy that does

I said, “Yea, you read my blog then?”

She, “sometimes”

Me, “Well now you know I wasn’t bullshitting”

She, “That was really impressive”

In private convo shortly later with the gang leader who didn’t want his guy to start swearing angry again so made it private told me when I asked that my ship was totally invulnerable to target locking during that episode. I thought that was pretty awesome to have feedback from someone genuinely trying to kill me.

All in all they ended up being a really straight up gang, and I think I made some friends, though I am certain they’ll continue to try and kill me. I’ll update this blog post with their names, but I am writing this at work and don’t have the chat logs with me. I’ll also post the edited for brevity chat logs in another post tomorrow or the next day after I can clean them up a bit.

Anyway, I thought you might like to read about my first TRUE gate camp busting episode with an Orca.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Canoeing in Canada

I love the outdoors, especially the wilderness, and as a child I was
very lucky to be raised in a family that enjoyed an outdoors
lifestyle. We lived in the Appalachia of New Jersey, and merely taking
a short walk outside granted access to less than travelled wilderness.
However; one of the best places to experience the wilderness is
Canada. Canada has some of the most beautiful wild country, and I have
been lucky enough to see some of its more spectacular wonders. The
forest carpeted mountains, and glacier hewn bedrock valleys have
produced a wild variety of sights to see. The royal and provincial
parks of Canada are some of the best places to experience the northern
wilderness untouched.

If Canada is one of the best places to experience the northern
wilderness, then canoeing through the various systems of finger-lakes
is perhaps the best way to be there. My family including my aunts,
uncles and cousins would travel each summer to one of the provincial
parks in Quebec , Ontario or other province and be dropped by sea
plane into the middle of a lake somewhere near nowhere at all. After
off loading our canoes and camping gear, we’d paddle away from the
plane and make our own way through the lake system for the next two
weeks. We always brought a topological map with us to help find our
way and also to record where we have been. The only food we took with
us fit into a small wooden box made backpack of condiments, herbs,
spices and a few boxes of Red River hot cereal for breakfast.
Otherwise, we were completely and utterly on our own and only ate what
we managed to find or catch on our own. If someone got hurt, there was
no way out until the plane returned to pick us up where it dropped us
off. Soon after being dropped off, we looked for a suitable camp site
on the map. These parts were bear country, so a suitable place was
usually on an island big enough for room to pitch up to ten or twelve
largish tents and to provide enough privacy for bathing and other
requirements nature demands from us.

Each morning we would select a new site for the next evening. Then we
would pack up our gear; load up the canoes, clear the area of debris.
After hopping in the canoe, we would start paddling out into the lake,
and find our way along to the next site. Often the next site was in
another lake, and the only way to get there was by portage. A portage
is when you pick up your canoe and carry it over land to get to the
next waterway. Sometime a portage is just a few feet, but other times
you can carry the canoe for a couple miles or more. One time when
taking the canoe out of the water, I slipped and fell. My elbow
cracked against the bedrock with canoe fully in hand. Although I
didn’t break my arm, it swelled up pretty badly and I was unable to do
any serious work for the rest of the trip. Even when you don’t have to
portage, sometimes you can paddle ten or fifteen miles or more to the
next site. Either way, you are getting some serious exercise.

Setting up camp was a chore. Uncle Bob, the patron of the camping
trips, would get the fire started; some of us would pitch the tents
while the rest of us went fishing to catch dinner. We quietly spread
out across the lake in our canoes, and since there were quite a few of
us, someone almost always caught a walleye or northern pike for
dinner. Sometimes you caught some lake trout or sun fish which we
saved for tomorrow’s breakfast. Later if you were lucky you had some
free time to explore. Sometimes I would just hop in a canoe and paddle
gently around the lake edges, or maybe I would get lucky and find a
patch of wintergreen or wild blueberries. Score! A handful of fresh
blueberries to add to our already awesome Red River cereal is
amazingly good fortune. Maybe you just went swimming and cooled off
with the leeches if you didn’t mind them. No matter what, I always
found something to do.

Just before evening, we quickly retired to our tents because there is
an alarm that goes off as the sun starts to dip in the sky. A steady
hum grows steadily louder, and the skies darken. It’s the mosquitoes.
I don’t mean mosquitoes like you have even seen around here. I mean
hoards. Millions upon millions of biting, poking, itchy little insects
rise out of the wet ground cover and lake edges and take to the skies
in search of you. They know where you are, and they want you. You
either were in your tent, or were hovering in the smoke of the fire.
No other place was safe. As the sun was setting, you could see their
shadows gathering by the hundreds on the outside of your tent. That
marked the end of each evening.

Mornings are a much cheerier affair. Other than having to wake up at
all in the morning, which is never much fun for me, you are greeting
by a mist covered lake and the call of the loons. It is hard to
describe the pleasantly spooky, eerie and alluring call of the loons
that carries clear across the surface of the lakes. It sounds like a
long warbling sort of owl hoot, a description that does it no justice.
The call of the loon is so alluring, that there are recordings you can
buy to listen to in dark solitude. We made hot Red River cereal,
hopefully with blueberries picked the previous afternoon, and
sometimes we had some lake trout too if we had caught any. We sat
fireside and lakeside and ate while mystified by the call of the birds
or maybe we even sighted a bear, moose or caribou. Eventually though
and every day for two weeks, the lazy morning was over, and it was
time to plot the next stage of our voyage, and break camp. Then
finally, and with reluctance, we had to go home.

I fondly remember each and every day spent on those canoe trips. Maybe
now the days blur together, but I remember everything in detail. The
maps have been framed and are hanging on our walls. After I cracked my
elbow, I later found that I had broken a chip off in my elbow. I still
have that chip today, and I know exactly which rock did that to me. I
still love my Red River cereal. Perhaps it’s just the memories, or
maybe it’s really is just good, but either way makes no difference to
me. There are lots of very lazy pleasant moments as well as tough
times when camping in the deep wilderness. It’s rough and often hard
work, but it’s worth every single moment when you get to see things
that most of civilization has forgotten. I haven’t forgotten because I
have been there, and I remember.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oops, one of my CEOs killed someone

Re: Weathers - attack in Providence
From: Escoce
Sent: 2010.01.30 21:36
To: United Trade Syndicate, Jivane Cys'Veren, 

Dear Jivane,
If you would like to attend one of our training seminars "lowsec for carebears", let me know and I will forward you an application. It's excellent training for pilots in all security status spaces. No one should expect to be safe and no one should fit their ships believing they will be safe unless you are willing to take the risk. You rolled the dice, and you lost the dice roll. I am sorry, that's my official stance.

Let me know if you would like me to forward an application for one of our training sessions for "lowsec for carebears"

United Trade Syndicate

Weathers - attack in Providence
From: Jivane Cys'Veren
Sent: 2010.01.29 01:12
To: Escoce,

Hi Escoce,

I was attacked by a CEO of a corporation within your alliance today. From what I can see, your alliance is trade based, and I was suprised to be attacked.

Are you able to arrange compensation?

I am obliged to send you this email prior to lodging a request to have alliance/corp flagged as KOS within Providence.

What do you think?


As below.

2010.01.29 00:43:00

Victim: Jivane Cys'Veren
Corp: Graduate School of Applied Knowledge
Alliance: Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
Faction: NONE
Destroyed: Iteron Mark V
System: D61A-G
Security: 0.0
Damage Taken: 2573

Involved parties:

Name: Weathers (laid the final blow)
Security: 0.4
Corp: Smoking Minerals Syndicate
Alliance: United Trade Syndicate
Faction: NONE
Ship: Hound
Weapon: Electron Bomb
Damage Done: 2573

Destroyed items:

Warp Disruptor I, Qty: 2 (Cargo)
Expanded Cargohold II
Warp Scrambler I, Qty: 3 (Cargo)
Medium Cargohold Optimization I, Qty: 3
Ultraviolet S (Cargo)
Type-D Power Core Modification: Capacitor Flux (Cargo)
Type-D Power Core Modification: Reaction Control (Cargo)
Ultraviolet M (Cargo)
Ultraviolet L, Qty: 3 (Cargo)

Dropped items:

Expanded Cargohold II, Qty: 4
Xray L, Qty: 3 (Cargo)
Warp Core Stabilizer I, Qty: 12 (Cargo)
Voltaic Nanite Regenerative Membrane I (Cargo)
Tungsten Charge M, Qty: 100 (Cargo)
Tritanium, Qty: 3832262 (Cargo)

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Been sick

My family and I have been very sick lately, starting with each of my kids, then my wife, and finally me with pnuemonia, so there hasn't been a lot of eve activity at all.

The only things I have been up to are skill queue management, some light weight trading, and easy collection runs of product that has built up over time.

I missed the last blog banter, but I think I will try and get it rolling late anyway. In essense the only new plans I have for this year are developing the alliance I accidentally created in December with the help of Casiella Truza and the other CEOs who will help take charge. An alliance cannot be run by one person alone and I will be relying on them to step up and take charge of the different operational aspect of alliance management from op organization to coopertive efforts in trade and industry. I'll have more to say on this shortly after we have had a chance to have our first real summit of alliance leaders.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Back to School

So I am taking 'ENG Writing Composition I' which I don't have credits for. They didn't want me to register classes until they got my transcripts from the University of Miami, but was like look I know what I took and I am not willing to waste my time and money so it's ok, just sign my in. So he wrote me in for a math class for 4 semester hours, and I don't remember 1st year courses being 4 credits, he said it's a non credit course to prepare me for higher math. I am incredulous. I scored well in trig, but not so good in algebra, so you want me to take a non credit course? Good god, I finally said, I'll just take the exam again, I have a stack of professional certs a few inches thick that says o can prepare. I mean I decided to do this all in like one day and didn't have any prep time, have perfect scores in all sections except one and you say I am not ready? No thanx, I'll just take something in english and take the exam over thanx.

So I start school again on the 18th, my transcripts should be approved by then and I can take whatever the hell I want in the summer. Maybe I'll go back and add a second class for the first semester.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Going Back to School

So yeah, I am going back to school, and I don't mean studying refinery efficiency or corporate management. I mean real life school. I just completed the Compass exam which is like the ACT exam for placement. Did very well in all sections except college algebra. Gah! When I took my SATs 20 years ago I scored a 1480, but I guess when one doesn't practice algebra one really does forget. I even did better on the trig section than the algbra section. I guess it's cause I remember Soh Cah Toa.

I am waiting to speak to an academic advisor to pick classes. Just going part time with one or two classes until I get comfortable with a larger course load.

Wish me luck!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone, so deal with any mispelling, grammatical errors or strangly out of place words caused by mis-autocorrection.